Your Digital Panoramic Tour Solution
At Chameleon View, we bring realistic, immersive photos to life. It is our goal to provide the community with the most convenient, fast, safe and cost-saving virtual tours to inspire interest and growth in scenic locations in and around the Boro.
Every tour has its own unique considerations. We work closely with our partners and individually fine-tune each project to reach maximum value. Get in touch with us today at!
Statesboro Urgent Care
A facility owned and operated by local physicians Dr. Ian Munger, DO and Dr. Sreevalli Dega, MD. Statesboro Urgent Care is on a mission is to become your go-to community urgent care center.
Three Tree Coffee Roasters
A cozy coffee shop located in downtown Statesboro. Local, ethically sourced coffee with a global reach. Their mission: Empower our Farmers • End Human Trafficking • Engage the Community.
The Gables
A housing community conveniently located within walking distance of The Statesboro Crossings Shopping Center, Compassion and Connection Church, & The Statesboro Greenway Walking Trail.
Real Estate
Looking to sell or rent a home? We can spice up your house listing with a virtual tour to attract more interest. According to Zillow, listings with a 3D Home tour got, on average, two times the amount of views than listings without.
Services and Pricing
$25 per panoramic photo
$50 per enhanced photo*
$100 to deploy a tour onto Zillow
$100 to deploy a tour onto an existing website
$200 to deploy the tour onto Chameleon View’s servers
All tours come with a base charge of $150 for consultation, planning and labor.
If you have no website and would like us to create one to host your tours, we are happy to consult with you.
*Enhanced photos are those that require or benefit from post-processing, such as adjusting the lighting, blurring out faces or objects, adding lens flares, and other such considerations.
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© 2020 Chameleon View. All Rights Reserved. Design by James Dewey.